Writing a Story for Kindergarten Buddies

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments

Illustration Sub-competencies


A class wrote stories to read to their Kindergarten buddies. Students considered their audience as they developed the plot, characters, and setting. They used simple words and bright, friendly cartoons and tried to make their PowerPoint accessible and engaging for Kindergarteners.


Student Work Sample



I can get new ideas or build on or combine other people’s ideas to create new things within the constraints of a form, a problem, or materials.

I can get new ideas to create new things or solve straightforward problems. My ideas are fun, entertaining, or useful to me and my peers, and I have a sense of accomplishment. I can use my imagination to get new ideas of my own, or build on other’s ideas, or combine other people’s ideas in new ways. I can usually make my ideas work within the constraints of a given form, problem, or materials if I keep playing with them.


I communicate clearly and purposefully, using a variety of forms and strategies appropriately.

I share my ideas and try to connect them to others’ ideas. I am an active listener—I make connections and ask clarifying and extending questions when appropriate. I can plan ways to make my message clear and engaging for my audience and create communications that focus on a variety of purposes and audiences. I acquire the information I need for specific tasks and for my own interests and present it clearly.