Perfect School Blog Post

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Students in this classroom frequently write their own blogs about current events and topics they are studying. They tweet their blogs and often receive comments from around the world. The blogs offer students a safe way to express their opinions freely with each other and they create space for the teacher to get to know the students on a deeper level.

The teacher posted the following assignment:

  • I was wondering today about school and what it means to you? Is school a place to learn, a place to socialize, a place to try new things, a place where you feel encouraged or is it all of the above and more?
  • If you could create a perfect class and/or school, what would you want in it? What are the important things you want in your school? What will engage you? What will teach you? What will inspire you? What will make you wonder?
  • When you finish, please be sure to comment on at least two other blogs.


Student Work Sample