Duct Tape Wallets

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


This student learned to make duct tape wallets from YouTube videos and has eagerly pursued this new interest. This is not a school project but rather a hobby that he has shared with his teacher and classmates.

From the outset, he combined features he saw in different videos as well as real wallets. He gradually added and mastered new techniques (e.g., stenciling and weaving) and experimented with colour and style. He currently produces and sells wallets that are customized wallets for friends, family, and classmates.


Student Work Samples


Student Reflection

Presently, people ask me for specifically designed and colour schemed wallets. I follow a combination of processes described below. Wallet making has been a step-by-step, technique building creative process for me. Through investment of research, time, effort and trial and error, I have reached a point where I can create unique and individual "customized" wallets.