Welcome Centre ELL

Illustration Elements

Illustration Éléments


Students in an English Language Learner Welcome Centre were encouraged to create a multi-media presentation that shared who they were. This long-term project provided the English language learners with the opportunity to develop and enhance their English language skills as well as express their feelings about the transitions in their lives including their move to Canada, the challenges they encountered here, and what they have been able to accomplish.

A student created this video to share his feelings about some of the transitions in his life including his move to Canada, and what he encountered after moving here.


Student Work Sample


I can identify how my life experiences have contributed to who I am; I recognize the continuous and evolving nature of my identity.

I can identify how my strengths can help me meet challenges, and how my challenges can be opportunities for growth. I understand that I will continue to develop new skills, abilities, and strengths. I can describe how aspects of my life experiences, family history, background, and where I live (or have lived) have influenced my values and choices. I understand that my learning is continuous, my concept of self and identity will continue to evolve, and my life experiences may lead me to identify with new communities of people and/or place.